Long-lasting and great food for tits!
Feed wild birds with peanuts – great for great tits, blue tits, and crested tits, who seem to prefer peanuts over sunflower seeds. Like shelled sunflower seeds, peanuts are completely free of debris.
The great spotted woodpecker and the rare Eurasian nutcracker also prefer peanuts, especially served in a peanut feeder.
Use a peanut feeder so they last longer. The birds will peck off small pieces of the peanut from the feeder. If they get a whole peanut at once, they’ll quickly finish it, and most of it will likely fall to the ground when they break it into smaller, edible pieces.
The organic raw peanuts we buy in bulk are food-grade when they arrive at our warehouse but are formally considered bird feed when they leave us.
The peanuts are blanched, meaning the thin brown skin is removed. Some people find that birds like them better this way, but we especially think they taste better when roasted as snacks!
Make homemade roasted peanuts by placing them on a baking tray and roasting at 150°C until they develop a nice roasted flavor, stirring every ten minutes. This usually takes about 50 minutes if the tray is full. Then pour over a salt solution and mix so the salt can absorb, leaving them in the oven at 50°C to dry further.
Our peanuts are organically grown in China and cause a transportation emission equivalent to 0.75kWh/kg (0.2kg CO2 eq./kg) from the farm to our warehouse.
Read more about these calculations here.
EU Organic Certified.