Winter birds right on the doorstep

Don't Miss This! You might feel like a lone ant in the construction of a large anthill. Your individual contribution may seem insignificant, but together it becomes something magnificent.

When over 20,000 bird-feeding enthusiasts count their birds over the same weekend, it results in fantastic statistics and an incredible media turnout.

It's not difficult, you just need to report how many individuals of each species you saw at most simultaneously at your feeder during the weekend. How often you count or how many of the days you do it is not important. It's also COMPLETELY okay to just estimate the number of birds of a certain species, don’t take this too seriously. It's a fun activity!

Winter Birds at Your Doorstep is always organized on the last weekend of January by the Swedish Ornithological Society (SOF).

The great tit has been the most numerous bird every year.
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