Learn to Scythe!

The scythe is a fantastic tool for meadows and gardens, which is also good for both you and nature. If you want to learn how to scythe, I recommend booking a scythe course either with us at Slåttergubben or with one of my skilled scythe friends: Jenny Nilsson in Gothenburg, Mats Rosengren in Västergötland, or Staffan Lundaahl in Dalarna/Värmland.

There is much to consider, but with good preparation and training, you too can experience that magical feeling of the grass falling while you enjoy the body's movements in total harmony with the nature around you in an almost meditative state. It is truly unbeatable!

Why is the scythe so great?

  • Requires no fuel, doesn’t make noise or emit odor
  • No need for workshop visits
  • Provides exercise and fresh air
  • Can cut both short and tall grass, which can be used as compost and mulch
  • Spend the summer enjoying meadow flowers and birdsong, instead of stressing over a “perfect” lawn
  • Have a relaxing holiday at the summer cottage without spending all your time mowing the lawn (often there are good conditions for meadows from the start, where meadow plants are just waiting)

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, you contribute to the restoration of meadows, which are beneficial and enjoyable for our biodiversity and ecosystems. Instead of emitting exhaust from the mower, you provide natural food for insects and birds, which will reward you with beautiful songs and pollination of your flower beds and crops. Win-win-win-win-win!

Tip! On our YouTube channel we have many more videos about scything, bird feeding, and meadows. You will also find a playlist so you can watch all the videos in this course in sequence. More videos are coming. Welcome to subscribe!

Watch Educational Videos

Here, you'll find films about mowing techniques, but also about safe handling, adjusting angles, peening and honing the scythe blade, and how to use the scythe around obstacles. 

These films provide an excellent foundation! In fact, they are so good that I recommend watching them before attending a scythe course with us to get the most out of the course session. And after completing the course, they are available to revisit to refresh your memory and review the basics. 

Watch Educational Videos

Buy a Scythe 

We have everything you need for scything, including various types of snaths, scythe blades, and honing stones. 

With us, you will also find our own exclusive Nordic snath, made in Sweden from Swedish or European ash wood. 

Read more about Nordic

See all scythe equipment

Book Scythe Courses

We offer scythe courses all summer from Skåne to Dalarna. Most are one-day courses where you'll learn everything you need to get started with scything, and we'll also experience fantastic places, often with interesting history and wonderful local hosts.

See this summer's scythe courses

Are you a larger group that wants to learn how to scythe? Read more about group bookings

Book Scything Services

If you need help with scything, feel free to contact us! Each year, we mow about 40-50 hectares of meadow on behalf of municipalities, county administrations, and private individuals, so we know what we're doing. And of course, we're happy to help you too.

Don’t have a meadow yet but want help creating one? We can do that. 

See Services

Working with Scything

Do you feel confident using a scythe as a tool and want to work with mowing and related tasks in meadows and boglands? Then you should get in touch with us! 

Learn more about working with mowing


Here are some films that might inspire you! 

The first one is about establishing a meadow and what is important to consider when doing so. It's not as complicated as it might seem.

In the second film, you get to join Janne as he mows a meadow at Else's home.

And in the third one, we follow the mowing team as they use scythes in Magistratshagen in central Linköping. 

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