Learn to Mow with a Scythe!

The scythe is a fantastic tool that can be used for many purposes and is also great for body, soul, and nature. At the same time, it is essentially a large knife that requires some skill to handle. Therefore, many of us have only wanted to sell scythes in connection with physical courses, where we can teach safe handling and basic techniques.

If you want to learn to mow with a scythe, I still recommend that you Book a Scythe Course either with us at Slåttergubben or with one of my competent scythe friends: Jenny Nilsson in Gothenburg, Mats Rosengren in Västergötland, or Staffan Lundaahl in Dalarna/Värmland.

But these videos also provide a good foundation! In fact, they are so good that I recommend watching them before attending a scythe course with us to get the most out of the training session. And after completing the course, they remain available for revisiting to refresh your memory and review the basics.

There's a lot to think about, but with good preparation and practice, you too can experience that magical feeling of grass falling as you, in an almost meditative state, enjoy the body's movements in total harmony with the nature around you. It's truly unbeatable!

Why is a scythe so great?

  • Requires no fuel, doesn't make noise or smell
  • No need for trips to the repair shop
  • Provides exercise and fresh air
  • Can cut both short and tall grass, which can be used as compost and mulch
  • Spend your summer enjoying meadow flowers and birdsong, instead of stressing over a "perfect" lawn
  • Have a relaxing holiday at your summer cabin without spending all your time mowing the lawn (often, there are great conditions for meadows from the start, with meadow plants just waiting)

Besides all the advantages already mentioned, you contribute to the restoration of meadows that benefit our biodiversity and ecosystems. Instead of spreading emissions from a lawnmower, you provide natural food for insects and birds, which will repay you with beautiful songs and the pollination of your flower beds and crops. Win-win-win-win-win!

Tip! On our YouTube channel, we have many more videos on scything, bird feeding, and meadows. You can also find a playlist so you can watch all the videos in this course in sequence. More videos are coming. Welcome to subscribe!

Educational Films: Scything

In the films, I first go through the safe handling of the scythe, as well as the assembly and adjustment of different angles on the snath and blade. I then demonstrate how to peen and hone the scythe blade to keep it sharp at all times. The next step is to practice the movements of the scything action, first without the scythe and then with it in hand. Last but not least, of course, you need to practice cutting grass for real! I recommend starting with short grass and then, once you learn to stay close to the ground, you can move on to cutting longer grass.


In these videos, you will learn about safety and how to properly adjust your scythe. There are several angles that affect your mowing, so it's good to be aware of them! You will also get some tips on what clothing you can wear.

Peening and Honing

The next chapter is about how to make the scythe really sharp! Regularly peening and honing the edge is necessary for a comfortable mowing experience. It is also good to know how to repair minor stone damage.

Mowing Technique

A good basic technique will work wonders for your mowing. We start by practicing the right movements without the scythe in hand (also good as a warm-up!). Then we add the scythe and practice on gravel, short grass, and finally tall grass. 


How should one approach working on a larger area? And what happens when obstacles like stones, fences, and outdoor furniture appear? No problem! The scythe is very agile even around different obstacles.

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