2002 was the year the company Slåttergubben with Janne Wester at the helm made the first sweeps through dew-wet grass with a scythe. Imagine getting paid to practice this wonderful craft! It is completely silent, half-asleep night moths flutter among the falling meadow flowers. One of the rare plants in the meadow, which ironically depends on being decapitated in this samurai-like manner every year, is called "slåttergubbe" (meaning mowing man), resembling a dandelion.
In the summer of 2006, Janne started his bakery under the banner of Slåttergubben. Sourdough bread was baked there without any conventionally grown ingredients and quickly became popular with a group of customers. This was the first time he encountered grain seeds (grain cleaning residues). An organic by-product from Swedish mills - full of various seeds that are the natural food for birds - this is where an idea was born.
By the end of 2011, the idea of organic bird food took off in earnest for Janne. Why not, he thought. Stores sell a lot of conventionally sprayed bird food, we want to support agriculture and its biodiversity. The best way to do that is through organic farming.
One day Claes Nilsson was in the store looking for new, exciting products for his own feeding. The conversation started—and eventually so did the collaboration. Claes and Janne ran the company together for the first few years, but now Claes has moved on to new jobs.