"A winter is not over until you've driven a real eco-rally. I love the idea of just being out all day and focusing on one thing."
Janne Wester - Slåttergubben
"To be able to leave all the world's worries behind for a full day of birdwatching in the field, while also doing a favor for the environment and contributing to concrete conservation benefits - the eco-rally has it all!"
- Robert Petersen
How many species can you see on a winter day?
Slåttergubben's Eco-Rally brings bird-watching joy, community, eco-birding, and fundraising for our conservation efforts. The rally is open to everyone across Sweden!
Oh... just imagine being outside all day, focusing on just one thing. And really letting your body get used to the weather outside.
You can do this at your own level. Some put a lot of effort into planning the most strategic route to find the most species. Other teams sleep in, take a walk along the river, and maybe go on a small bus tour. It's a golden opportunity to take the kids on a bird-watching adventure with an extra twist. Yes – you can even just peek at a bird feeder and report eight species.
Do you usually bring your camera with you? If so, feel free to email us some pictures from the rally! There will also be an active Facebook thread where you can post pictures and share your team's adventures.
Report the list of species by 6:30 PM the same day using this reporting form. In this form, you can also view top lists, regional lists, how other participants have fared, and much more! Just click the link and follow the instructions.
Optional participant fee. It can be, for example, 1 SEK per seen species and team. Write "Rally + name and possibly team name". The money goes directly to Slåttergubben's conservation efforts for agricultural birds in our local area. For example, creating meadows and wetlands.
Swish: 1235948732
We want to spread the appeal of birds. It's so gratifying to reach not only the dedicated birdwatchers. To all who want to extend their counting from their bird feeders to a car-free day with home as a base. Here it is enough to have an interest in birds when stepping outside. We know that several children have been active, and that those with more bird knowledge have taken walks, focusing on birds, with those who know a little less.
In 2024, the team "Skvadern" had the most species of all - a total of 64. Among them were the long-eared owl, curlew, and skylark! In Gothenburg, a jack snipe was spotted and in Värmland, a peregrine falcon! In Dalarna, the team there managed to spot both the eagle owl and tawny owl! In Härjedalen, the grey-headed woodpecker was seen and a starling was spotted as far north as in Ångermanland! Both the rock ptarmigan and willow ptarmigan were seen in Lapland!
The proceeds go entirely to conservation work to promote a sustainable bird life. Click here to read more about Slåttergubben's conservation work!
A big thank you to everyone who participated in 2024 and a warm welcome to join again next year! Remember, everyone participates according to their ability, current condition, and interest.
In the form Slåttergubben's Eco Rally 2024, you can read about the results; which species were found where and which regions participated, etc. If you are listed in the table but wish to be removed, contact us at info@slattergubben.se
Janne Wester
073-832 25 59
Robert Petersen
073-708 35 45