Meadow flowers - 4g. Eco Grow

Price 25 SEK/ sqm. Seeds for 2sqm

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The bag states "Summer Flowers - Honey Bee Mixture" with the subtitle "Meadow Flowers."


Eco-grows does not list the seed contents on their website.

Upon request, the ingredient list is sent via email:

Buckwheat, Phacelia, Borage, Marigold, Cosmos, Cornflower, ox-eye Daisy, field Poppy, Oregano, and Dill.

A glance at the bag reveals:
This is one of the worst mixes! Extremely few seeds of a very small number of species. There are so few seeds of so few species that I even separated them for the photo. About 80% of the weight is buckwheat, which surprisingly is a very cheap seed per kilo. Then there are 4 borage seeds, one dill seed, 10 cosmos, 2 phacelia, 5 cornflowers, and a bunch of marigold seeds. There is no trace of the daisy, field poppy, or oregano that were supposedly in the ingredient list based on the email. 0 seeds of those!

Comment on the ingredient list:
Here, only cornflower, field poppy, oregano, and daisy are wild Swedish plants. Cornflower and poppy are beautiful flowering weeds that bloom in the first year of the meadow and then disappear. Daisy and oregano (or Wild Marjoram, as it is called in the wild) can handle meadow care and qualify as true meadow plants—IF they are not cultivated varieties of them, which is unclear.

None of the other plants are native Swedish plants or will survive more than a couple of years with meadow care.

There are also no low-growing grasses in the mix, which every serious meadow seed blend should have.

These seeds are KRAV-certified, which is excellent! Kudos for that. Unfortunately, it doesn't make them proper meadow seeds. Sure, they could form a lovely flower bed that provides food for some nectar-loving insects for 1-2 years without needing to be reseeded.

However, a true meadow with wild Swedish plants will attract a greater variety of more specialized insect species than a flower bed!

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