Price 33SEK/sqm. Seeds for 0,6 sqm
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The "Butterfly" wildflower mix is sold at ÖoB and possibly other locations. The "Odla" brand cannot be found online.
The packaging does not specify which types of seeds are included in the mix.
However, a quick look at the seeds in the bag reveals that the seeds mostly consist of dill, buckwheat, poppy, and marigold. There is likely some sweet pea, as well as a few seeds from garden plants I don't recognize. There are very few seeds in this bag.
In response to an email inquiry about what the bag actually contains, ÖoB wrote:
"-The supplier cannot guarantee that all flower varieties in the mix will be included in each bag, so they cannot specify the contents. It is a selected mix that fits the theme."
Comment on contents and description:
The "Butterfly" seed mix is labeled with the EU Organic logo. However, the labeling seems odd since the contents are not listed.
Of the contents in the bag, only poppy is wild in Sweden, and it is not a meadow plant but a weed that blooms beautifully the first year in the mix.
None of the plants I can identify in the mix are meadow plants and will not survive more than a couple of years with meadow care.
There are also no low-growing grasses in the mix, which every serious meadow seed blend includes.
The packaging instructions suggest sowing the seeds 1 cm deep with 15 cm between each seed and 15 cm between rows... This is not how meadow seeds should be sown. Furthermore, 1 cm is far too deep for many of the small seeds in the mix.
Perhaps the mix could become a lovely blooming flower bed providing food for some nectar-feeding insects. However, a meadow with wild Swedish plants will always attract a much wider variety of more specialized insect species than a flower bed!
Slåttergubbens AB
c/o Jan Wester, Vallby Hinsegård 2
585 76 Vreta Kloster
Sweden 556896-9199
To the warehouse and farm-shop
Härna Björkegård 1
58576 Vreta Kloster