Flower mix - meadow - 150g. (1000g) Granngarden

Price 2,5 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 100 sqm


Price: Same as Granngården's webshop in May 2024.

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Granngården's description of this item on their website (May 2024):

A flower meadow attracts beneficial insects and increases pollination. Granngården Flower Meadow contains 15 different wildflowers and is perfect for those who want to create a natural flower meadow with a variety of flowers in their own garden. The flower seeds are mixed with 85% corn cob granulate to help ensure even distribution.

The best substrate is a nutrient-poor, sand-mixed loamy soil and a weed-free area. Pure sandy soil can be improved with un-fertilized peat or compost without grass. If you have clay soil, you should instead mix it with coarse gravel.

Rake the area to be sown before sowing, and after sowing, flatten the surface with the back of the rake or roll it.


Establishing a flower meadow in balance takes several years. The meadow changes all the time depending on the substrate, but also where in the country the meadow is located, and external conditions affect it. Ideally, mow the meadow with a scythe or cut the meadow after flowering. Let the cuttings stay until the seed pods are mature and open so that new seeds can spread.

Contains: Flax,  pot Marigold, Cornflower, Viper's Bugloss, Poppy, Forget-me-not, Wallflower, wallflower, Oxeye Daisy, Dianthus sweet William, Annual Baby's Breath, Honesty, Sibella Carmine, Delphinium, Foxglove, Yarrow, Borage, common pink.

Comment on contents and description:

First of all, the ingredient list on their website does not match the list on the packaging... I have not opened and dissected what the box truly contains.

On the box, it says: perennial flax, Marigold, Cornflower, Viper’s Bugloss, field Poppy, Alpine Forget-me-not, Wallflower, common corn-cockle, Oxeye Daisy, Dianthus sweet william, Annual Baby's Breath, flax, Honesty, garden catchfly, Delphinium, Foxglove, garden candytuft, Yarrow, Borage, Wallflower, common pink.

What Granngården writes on their website and on the back of the box may lead you to believe that you are purchasing meadow seeds. The section about how to establish and maintain it aligns well with how a true meadow should be managed. They also mention that it takes several years for a flower meadow to establish itself and come into balance.

This is true. However, what they do not mention is that only a few of the varieties in the mix can handle long-term meadow management. Yarrow and Oxeye Daisy, and in some locations, Viper’s Bugloss (which is not listed on the package), can survive in a meadow. The rest are annual, non-Swedish summer flowers, with cornflower, poppy, and common corn-cockle being weeds that grow wild in Sweden.

These seeds can certainly create a nice flowerbed, but anyone who wants help creating a long-term flower meadow using these seeds will find no support here.

However, the price for a flowerbed is not as exorbitant per square meter here as it is with some of the other mixes!

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