Round shaft to pickaxe - 90cm (with wedge)
The handle is round throughout its length. It is 90cm long and 35mm at its thickest point. It is much thicker than the handles for the blade hoes. We recommend keeping the handle as it is - it should not be cut shorter like on the blade hoes.
Many old Swedish pickaxes have oval holes that require even wider handles than these!
Weight: 1kg
Assembly of the handle: Apply a little machine grease (or butter) to the lower tapered part of the handle. Attach the pickaxe to the handle. On the opposite side of the pickaxe, near the eye (hole), there is a square of solid metal protruding. Use this square as a support against a larger stable object, such as a sturdy bench or similar. Now, strike the handle into the pickaxe with full force. The better support you have, the more force you can apply to insert the handle. If, after insertion, more than 1cm of the handle protrudes, saw it off so that it is approximately 0.5-1cm sticking out. Now, saw a small groove across the end of the handle - as far down towards the pickaxe as you dare with the saw. Then hammer in the wedge. Done!