Meadow seeds and flowers for biodiversity

In a garden where birds thrive, do you also thrive? During the summers, all small birds raise their young on insects. Great tits, sparrows, robins, warblers, flycatchers, swallows, partridges, skylarks... it's impossible to mention them all. A rich supply of insects in both fields and gardens is crucial for our dear friends.

We are not much in favor of buying diversity for your garden - it's more about your approach to working with your garden.

Sometimes, however, you need to buy meadow seeds to achieve a proper meadow. But they need to be the right meadow seeds - unfortunately, this is a shady market filled with pitfalls... Here we only sell meadow seeds from reputable producers! And we provide a complete list of meadow seeds you shouldn't buy!

Read our tips for a bird-friendly garden here

And more tips on creating a meadow here

Difference between good and bad meadow seeds

Tips for creating a meadow

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Good meadow seeds – grown in Sweden

Meadow Seeds from Carefully Selected Companies (Pratensis, Lilla Beddinge, and Norrlands blomsteräng) run by highly knowledgeable and dedicated individuals. I have personal contact with all of them and great trust in their expertise. 

  • Meadow seeds from unmodified flowers and grasses of Swedish origin. Adapted to our climate and the wild butterflies and insects found here.
  • The seeds are wild-collected or harvested from flowers in Swedish meadow seed cultivation.
  • The cultivations are renewed every few years to preserve and promote genetic variation.
  • Contains selected slow-growing grasses in the seed mix. These are crucial for the long-term well-being of the meadow!  
  • At least 25 carefully chosen herbs and grasses adapted to survive indefinitely on an area managed as a meadow, meaning cut at the end of the summer and the material removed. 
  • Often exceedingly affordable compared to other "meadow seeds." 
  • Pratensis AB offers more varieties than what we provide, such as the Northern blend, as well as plants of meadow species. 

Our own seeds to sow in flower beds or vegetable gardens

These are not meadow seeds!
Our flowering diversity is a mix of Swedish and foreign seeds for a rich and beautiful bloom lasting 2-4 years. Ideal for crop rotation in a vegetable garden or in a flower bed that is re-dug and re-sown. Insects that prioritize quantity over quality will find plenty of pollen and nectar here! 

The sunflower seeds we offer for sowing are annuals and grow into tall and robust plants, providing plenty of seeds for birds as well as pollen and nectar when they bloom.

The seeds are organically grown. 

Meadow seeds you DO NOT want to buy

I have carefully examined which meadow seeds are scams
and what they cost. In the list below, you can read what each type contains in terms of seeds and misleading information. You can support my work in reviewing those who scam by adding any number of scam mixes to your cart and paying for them. We do not actually sell the seeds listed below. 

- Isn't it tasteless to expose your competitors like this? 

- Yes, indeed. But I feel compelled to do so. Meadow seeds should be meadow seeds. Every year, I meet people who have poured their heart into digging, raking, and establishing their meadow. They shine with pride for their contribution to biodiversity. They often speak candidly to us, for example, at a scythe course. Then I ask the painful question of what seeds they used - and it becomes apparent that they fell for a scam. I get so sad to tell them that they’ve done work in vain, and that if they want a real meadow, they need to redo the entire job. 

Common features of the mixes below: 

  • The words "meadow," "meadow seeds," and "flower meadow" are used incorrectly. This is because they are popular and sell well.
  • The seeds are border plants, herbs, and sometimes cereals. They have nothing in common with genuine Swedish meadow plants. 
  • The mixes are composed so that the blooming is overwhelming the first year. In the following years, they disappear because they are not adapted as meadow plants. The biological diversity one wants to achieve does not manifest because they are the completely wrong species. 
  • Often expensive per square meter compared to real meadow seeds.

Are you missing a scam mix? Let me know, and I'll add it! 

Half-decent meadow seed mixes

If there's an order, the best are at the top. The list is current as of May 2024. If you truly want to establish a meadow, there's still a significant difference between the mediocre and the good seed mixtures.

  • Nordic Meadow Seeds: Wild meadow plants with a good mixture and many species cultivated in Finland. A serious company, but their consumer packages completely lack grass seeds. I believe a good meadow seed mixture should contain grass seeds so that you have the right grass species from the start. For the meadow to have the proper long-term dynamics and become strong and vigorous, a certain amount of good weak-growing grass species is required. Otherwise, it's very easy for large competitive grasses to spread into the meadow from the surroundings.

  • Skånefrö: They have their own flower meadow mixture that includes some meadow flowers along with a few annual plants. Good, but with a slightly weak species composition. They recommend sowing it with one of their grass seed mixtures, which are also mediocre, better than regular lawn grass but significantly worse than the grasses found in good meadow seed mixtures. Skånefrö also retails Pratensis meadow seeds, but it seems you can't order directly from their website....

  • Weibulls: They have a flower meadow mix. If requested, they will provide the entire list of what's in the package. There are a few good perennial meadow plants, but nowhere near as many as those offered by serious suppliers. An inspection of the packet also reveals that a substantial portion of the seeds consists of the annual flowers flax and cornflower. There are no grass seeds in the packet, but on their website, they write that you should sow "grass seeds" along with the meadow seeds. On a direct inquiry, they recommend a special mixture they sell of weak-growing grasses, which is significantly better than regular lawn grass but still not as good as the grass seeds in serious mixtures.

  • Nelsons: They have a couple of variants available in stores, all of which are quite expensive, 30-60 SEK/sqm, and consist mostly of annual field weeds but also a few individual meadow plants. No grass in the packets. One mixture is said to be Swedish-grown.

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