24 Myths About Feeding Our Beloved Birds

There are many myths surrounding bird feeding. We have looked into 24 of them.

Dare to read? Your worldview might be shaken.... we are indeed a company that truly puts the best interests of all birds first!

Myth number 24:

Feeding birds is for natures sake!

This is a myth. Feeding birds in one's... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 23:

Rice expands in the stomach!

A persistent myth. Because what is really the difference... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 22:

Birds need water in winter!

No, this is a myth! Wild birds can... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 21:

Hulled or Unhulled Sunflower Seeds - That is the Question!

Hold on tight, as we debunk some myths around this all at once! READ MORE! >>

Myth number 20:

It is important to provide supplementary feeding when birds have chicks!

Another myth that often originates from us who sell bird food. In reality, it is... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 19:

Spread spruce twigs on the ground!

A myth that has gained traction in recent years – the consequence, however, is that….READ MORE! >>

Myth number 18:

You must place the feeder near a bush!

The need for shelter for small birds is exaggerated - some birds actually prefer to… READ MORE! >>

Myth number 17:

Rats and mice are just pests!

Sure, rats can be a problem - but we think the general view on rodents is.... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 16:

Avoid oats and grains.

But wait a minute. Haven't we heard that it's environmentally friendly to buy local and Swedish-grown…. READ MORE! >>

Myth number 15:

Do Not Feed Birds if You Have a Cat!

- Relax, you can feed them. But are you brave enough to read our further perspectives regarding birds and... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 14:

Feed the birds to maintain balance in nature!

- A real myth. Additionally spread by companies to sell more...  READ MORE! >>

Myth number 13:

When birds molt, supplemental feeding is especially important.

A myth that, unfortunately, is increasingly spread by those of us who sell bird food. Could it have to do with... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 12:

Striped sunflower seeds are better than black ones!

- This is such a funny myth! The English and Americans think that... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 11:

Migratory birds can be tricked into staying if you start feeding early!

- Hardly, have you ever seen a cuckoo, willow warbler, swift, barn swallow, wheatear, or nightjar at your feeding spot? However, short-distance migrants like... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 10:

Once you start feeding birds, you can't stop!

- A myth, but now it's time to shed light on it in a way no one else has before... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 9:

Birds are losing their ability to find food in nature.

-Well, the ability is believed to still be there, however, there's... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 8:

My birds eat so much... I can't afford organic food!

- Well, to begin with, organic can actually be cheaper... READ MORE! >>

Myth number 7:

Food on the ground should be avoided at all costs! 

- No, food still ends up on the ground and everyone knows it attracts a lot of birds. So let go of your inhibitions and embrace your inner ground-feeding dreams! READ MORE >>

Myth number 6:

It is important to clean to avoid infections!

- Time and again, we are urged to clean the seedy lawn, but no one has...... READ MORE >>

Myth number 5:

White bread and saffron buns (lussekatter) are dangerous for birds!

- No, this is a myth! If you share some leftover bread rolls or saffron buns with your feathered friends, you don't need to worry. However, there is a reason to follow the municipalities guidelines on not feeding... READ MORE >>

Myth number 4:

Salty food is deadly dangerous for birds, so for heaven's sake, do not hang out the pork rind!

-There is a persistent myth that it is life-threatening for birds to hang out the pork rind from the Christmas ham because it is too salty. No animal feels good with too much salt in their diet, but... READ MORE >>

Myth number 3:

Shame on you - it is a mortal sin to buy suet balls WITH nets! 

- This is a myth; the suet ball itself is, however, a wolf in net-green sheep's clothing... READ MORE >>

Myth number 2:

The bird food in the store is locally produced.

-Probably not! There is Swedish-grown birdseed, but most of it..... READ MORE >>

Myth number 1:

You must give the "birds" enough energy-rich and fatty food!

-No, you actually DO NOT need to. What the birds need is....READ MORE >>

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