In a garden where birds thrive, do you also thrive? During the summers, all small birds raise their young on insects. Great tits, sparrows, robins, warblers, flycatchers, swallows, partridges, skylarks... it's impossible to mention them all. A rich supply of insects in both fields and gardens is crucial for our dear friends.
We are not much in favor of buying diversity for your garden - it's more about your approach to working with your garden.
Sometimes, however, you need to buy meadow seeds to achieve a proper meadow. But they need to be the right meadow seeds - unfortunately, this is a shady market filled with pitfalls... Here we only sell meadow seeds from reputable producers! And we provide a complete list of meadow seeds you shouldn't buy!
Read our tips for a bird-friendly garden here
And more tips on creating a meadow here
Meadow Seeds from Carefully Selected Companies (Pratensis, Lilla Beddinge, and Norrlands blomsteräng) run by highly knowledgeable and dedicated individuals. I have personal contact with all of them and great trust in their expertise.
Seeds for wild meadow - suitable for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Price: 14 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 10 sqm.
Price: 15kr/sq.m. seeds for 10sq.m
Pris: 14kr/kvm. Frön till 10kvm
Price: 6 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 125 sqm.
Price: 6 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 125 sqm.
Price: 6 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 125 sqm.
These are not meadow seeds!
Our flowering diversity is a mix of Swedish and foreign seeds for a rich and beautiful bloom lasting 2-4 years. Ideal for crop rotation in a vegetable garden or in a flower bed that is re-dug and re-sown. Insects that prioritize quantity over quality will find plenty of pollen and nectar here!
The sunflower seeds we offer for sowing are annuals and grow into tall and robust plants, providing plenty of seeds for birds as well as pollen and nectar when they bloom.
The seeds are organically grown.
Price: 2 SEK/m². Seeds for 65 m². Blooms for 2-4 years. Not meadow seeds!
Price: 1 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 50 sqm. They produce alot of seeds and good perching
I have carefully examined which meadow seeds are scams and what they cost. In the list below, you can read what each type contains in terms of seeds and misleading information. You can support my work in reviewing those who scam by adding any number of scam mixes to your cart and paying for them. We do not actually sell the seeds listed below.
- Isn't it tasteless to expose your competitors like this?
- Yes, indeed. But I feel compelled to do so. Meadow seeds should be meadow seeds. Every year, I meet people who have poured their heart into digging, raking, and establishing their meadow. They shine with pride for their contribution to biodiversity. They often speak candidly to us, for example, at a scythe course. Then I ask the painful question of what seeds they used - and it becomes apparent that they fell for a scam. I get so sad to tell them that they’ve done work in vain, and that if they want a real meadow, they need to redo the entire job.
Common features of the mixes below:
Are you missing a scam mix? Let me know, and I'll add it!
Price 2,5 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 100 sqm
Price 9 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 10 sqm
Price 2,3 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 30 sqm
Price: 30 SEK/Sqm. Seeds for 2sqm
Price 25 SEK/ sqm. Seeds for 2sqm
Pris: 8 kr/kvm. Frön till 3 kvm
Price 25 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 1 sqm
Price 50 SEK/sqm. seeds for 0,5 sqm
Price 50 SEK/sqm. seeds for 0,5 sqm
Price 13SEK/sqm. Seeds for 1,5 sqm
Price 13 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 1,6 sqm
Price 33SEK/sqm. Seeds for 0,6 sqm
If there's an order, the best are at the top. The list is current as of May 2024. If you truly want to establish a meadow, there's still a significant difference between the mediocre and the good seed mixtures.
Garden Design for Both Birds and Humans
How Clear and Simple It Becomes with a Garden That Has a Purpose!
A Children's Book About the Wonders of Organic suet
The flowers dress up and invite the bumblebee and the insects to dance!
A Brilliant Children's Book on Ecological Bird Feeding in Summer
Contribute to our efforts to restore beautiful bird habitats in the countryside!
Let the storks be so abundant in Skåne that some will choose the Östgötaslätten!
Buy a slice of our planned wetland – the stork will feel welcome!
Support our work to restore good environments for birds and bird food (insects!)