
Here you will find Slåttergubben's own channels as well as articles, podcasts, and more about Slåttergubben in external media. We have also gathered some interesting links for those who want to find scythe networks and learn more about scythes and mowing.

Own Channels and Media


This is our international channel with English commentary, focusing on scything and meadow management.

Subscribe to Slåttergubben

Slåttergubben Sweden

Here you will find our films in Swedish! Focusing on bird feed, meadow management, and our products.

Subscribe to Slåttergubben Sweden

Educational Videos

We want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to learn how to scythe. Therefore, we have created a series of instructional videos that you can follow step by step.

It is, of course, beneficial to attend a physical course as well, to receive feedback and hands-on assistance, but we recommend watching the videos even before the course. 

Learn to Scythe!


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Read our latest newsletter

Social Media

Feel free to follow us on social media!

Facebook | Instagram

External links

Slåttergubben Visits Gräspodden!

Listen in as Janne and Jenny, both experienced in scything and meadows, join Gräspodden to discuss combining meadows and lawns in residential gardens.

Slåttergubben on SVT

SVT Öst came and did a feature with Janne as he attempted to mow one hectare in a day.

Janne's Challenge – Mowing One Hectare with a Scythe in Rimforsa
2024-09-12 John Senewiratne/SVT

Slåttergubben in Corren

Corren also interviewed Janne for an article which can be read here.

Goal: Mow One Hectare of Grass – In One Day 
2023-09-13 Pelle Johansson.

Webinar with WWF

Webinar with the World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF.

Coming soon!

Scythe Network

In the Facebook group Lienätverket, we have many knowledgeable and engaged members! Here, we discuss various questions about scythes and mowing, sharing training sessions and offers. It is open for everyone to join the group and, of course, it is completely free. If you're looking for experienced mowers in your area, this is a great place to conduct a search.

In the USA, there is a similar network with plenty of reading material available on their website.

In England, the use of scythes has seen a significant resurgence in recent years, and there is also a network with a website there.

More Knowledge

My good friend Rune Stenholm published the Scythe Handbook in March 2015. It’s an interesting read for anyone wanting to learn more about scythes! Download the Scythe Handbook by Rune Stenholm (pdf)

If you want to see people using scythes, you can certainly find that on YouTube. Feel free to visit Slåttergubben's own channels (above) or search in English for scythe or peening (hammering). In German, the corresponding words are sense and dengeln, respectively.

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