The Soul of the Company
Justice among species, generations, and countries.
Species – all species should be able to live in viable populations.
Generations – all generations of humans should have the same opportunities to experience nature and consume goods.
Countries – fair conditions regarding the mobility of people as well as trade in goods, services, and money.
We are a so-called political company whose shareholders do not simply demand profit maximization and returns. Our shareholders require justice and ethical decisions.
Examples in the company's core activities:
- We only purchase organically grown raw materials.
- We share knowledge and examples of how bird feed cultivation affects bird life around the cultivation area.
- We provide examples of what can be done with your garden and bird feeding to create a more vibrant agricultural landscape.
- As a financial incentive towards more locally and Swedish-grown produce, we have a lower basic markup on it.
- We allocate 10 öre/kg to the stork project and environmental improvement measures in our own cultivations and at neighboring farms.
- Right to part-time work for employees. We do not force anyone to work more than they wish and recommend 30-hour workweeks. Full support for those who want to manage with less money and live simpler, find time for children, exercise, leisure, and possibly other jobs!
General Examples
- 100 SEK extra each day employees do not use their own motor vehicles to get to work.
- Trying to use the most environmentally friendly options for consumables (it's not easy to dedicate oneself wholeheartedly down to the smallest tape roll, label, etc., but we do our best).
- Reusing envelopes and backside paper.
- Reusing packaging extensively and with great creativity when we send online orders. It may not always look so "flashy," but we save both money and, above all, resources.
- Sorting and recycling waste.
- Electricity labeled Good Environmental Choice.
- Our bank is Ekobanken, which only lends money to responsible and justice-minded borrowers and maintains full transparency.
- Late payment fees are entirely dedicated to our environmental work in restoring important habitats in the neighborhood.