We restore habitats for birds

The price of our bird food includes nature conservation at 10 öre/kg.   Half of the funds go to concrete measures at our location and neighboring farms. The other half goes to the Stork Project in Skåne.

The Stork Project:
Over 100 years ago, the white stork, with its 5000 pairs, was a common bird in Skåne and southern Sweden. The last pair bred in 1954, and then they disappeared. Conditions for finding food in the landscape changed that quickly!
The Stork Project works on breeding storks, improving their habitats, as well as educating and raising awareness about storks and nature conservation. The goal of achieving a stable population of freely breeding pairs of storks in Skåne is on its way to being reached!

Our own nature conservation:
Conducted at our own farm and with our neighbors. The goal is to create a landscape where a passing pair of storks in spring can quickly look down and think:
- Splendid! There must be enough food here to raise a fine brood of chicks.
The stork is known as an "umbrella species". That is, if it approves of a landscape, it means that there is automatically a very high biological diversity of plants, insects, mammals, and other birds there.

This is very noticeable when traveling in countries like Latvia or Poland, where the stork is still quite common. In areas that have recently been "industrialized" with drainage, monocultures, and large fields, the storks' large nests remain on rooftops and in large trees, but only grass grows in them. In more small-scale areas with higher diversity, the storks continue to reside!

Pond dug on a neighbor's farm – autumn 2012
Pond dug on our farm – spring 2013
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