Organic chicken feed for your own organic eggs!

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Our products are also excellent as organic chicken feed. As bulk food, we use Lunden field seeds, which contain several types of grains as well as wild field seeds. On our own farm, the chickens live exclusively on field seeds plus what they find outside in the garden. The best part of feeding your chickens organic food is that we get genuine organic eggs in return!

If you want to supplement with something more energy-rich, especially for the chicks, we recommend hemp, millet, and chopped sunflower seeds.

For small-scale backyard chickens, there is no need for expensive concentrated feed or special mixes. Chickens have been with us for hundreds of years and have always thrived on a little grain and what they can find in nature. Just like our wild birds have done excellently for years before we started feeding them.

Don't forget that chickens should have access to gravel and small stones to help grind up their food in their gizzard. It is also beneficial to provide them with oyster shells for additional calcium.

Field seeds – Swedish organic chicken feed

Note that all birds leave the black catchweed seeds which are present to varying extents in the field seeds, depending on the batch and cultivation year. 

Chopped sunflower seeds, shelled

Millet seeds.

Hemp seeds

Especially the shelled hemp seeds are very easy to digest and good as food for chickens.

Villa bas is a mix of field seeds, chopped sunflower, hemp, and millet.

Perfect if you want to pamper the chickens!

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