Hemp seeds are rich in oil and full of energy! If you have hemp seeds in your bird feeder or bird table, the bullfinch will be happy! It may be the wild bird that likes hemp seeds the most, but it is far from the only one at the bird feeding station.
Hemp has many uses, it has a strong fiber that can be used for ropes, nutrient-rich seeds, and is perhaps best known for the drug that can be produced from its inflorescences. Different varieties are used for these various purposes - our seeds are oil hemp, which is not the same variety used to produce cannabis. The seeds can sprout and grow in Sweden, but there is no need to worry that the plant can be used as a drug.
All our seeds are organically grown because we want the production of our bird feed to consider both the environment and biodiversity.
Do you want to know which type of feeding suits where you live?
A classic seed rich in fats - liked by siskins, tits, and bullfinches.
Siskins love hemp!
Classic food for siskins, tits, and bullfinches.
Fatty seeds liked by tits, greenfinch, bullfinch, siskins and many more!
Hemp is liked by bullfinch, greenfinch, tree sparrow and many more!
Best to be mixed with chopped sunflower kernels!
Hemp pellets - 32-26% protein
Your hens will enjoy it when its pre soaked!
Your hens will enjoy it when its pre soaked.
Fatty seeds for ground feeding – a very exciting mix!
The bullfinch enjoys hemp chaff!
Exciting groundfeeding with small and rich seeds!
News! - Please give us feedback on how feeding with them goes! And feel free to send pictures of birds feasting on our organic hulled hemp seeds grown in Latvia!
Hulled hemp seeds are quite soft and a bit slippery, most are split in halves. It is possible that, like chopped sunflower seeds, they may clump and stick a bit in narrow feeders in humid weather. It's probably good to mix them with other seeds.
Who likes hulled hemp seeds?
It should be almost all birds except the yellowhammer (which wants field seeds on the ground). The bullfinch is a classic hemp lover who will surely appreciate them! For the tree sparrow, hemp seeds are almost like a drug - but it's an expensive way to feed them - they are an agricultural bird that should really manage on field seeds. Hulled hemp seeds should be especially appreciated by those with delicate beaks mostly meant for insects, like the robin, blackbird, dunnock, treecreeper, and long-tailed tit.
These organic hulled hemp seeds in bulk are approved as food when we purchase them. Then they are technically considered feed when we sell them since we are a feed company - and you pay 25% instead of 12% VAT. So, more money goes to the state treasury!
Let the storks be so abundant in Skåne that some will choose the Östgötaslätten!
Buy a slice of our planned wetland – the stork will feel welcome!
Support our work to restore good environments for birds and bird food (insects!)
Price: 2 SEK/m². Seeds for 65 m². Blooms for 2-4 years. Not meadow seeds!
Price: 1 SEK/sqm. Seeds for 50 sqm. They produce alot of seeds and good perching